Felting is deeply tactile and relaxing.
The feel of wool pulling through your fingers is calming and therapeutic. I look forward every day when I get the opportunity to sit down and pick up my mat and needle and begin felting. It’s an activity I can relax into and release the tensions of the day.
Touch is vitally important to our health. Our sense of touch affects everything we do. Living in this era of social distancing we are becoming increasing touchless. Positive touching, like the caress of soft natural fibers can actually reduce anxiety. Activating our physical sense of touch is known to increase levels of dopamine and serotonin. Touching is also known to reduce blood pressure and improve immune function.
The act of pulling and compressing natural fibers into shapes provides a unique sensory experience and is very calming. The sensory aspect of felting contributes to the enjoyment of the craft and to your sense of well-being.
Felting also helps develop your appreciation and awareness of texture. There are many varieties of wool and each has its own characteristics. From burly and coarse to fine and sooth, there is a wide spectrum of texture to explore and develop your sense of touch.
Felting provides a healthy outlet to explore creative expression and contributes to your sensory development. Like other forms of art therapy, felting provides a fun safe outlet to explore emotions and develop the imagination.